(Please send announcements of new meetings to AAAR@colorado.edu)

June 2007

4–8 June 2007

29th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology: ICAM 2007

Chambéry, France


5–7 June 2007

Workshop on Anaerobic Digestion in Mountain Area (and in Isolated Rural Zones)

Chambéry, France


6–9 June 2007

Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2007 Annual General Meeting and Conference: Where the Road Ends, Ingenuity Begins

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada


7–9 June 2007

6th PNRA Meeting on Antarctic Biology: Critical Issues and Research Priorities for the IPY and 2007–2009, International Workshop

Follonica, Italy


15–17 June 2007

2nd Nordic Geographers Meeting (NGM): Meeting the Waves of Globalisation—Local, Regional and Environmental Response

Bergen, Norway


17–20 June 2007 (excursions 21-22 June)

Russian Academy of Sciences: International Conference on Cryogenic Resources of Polar Regions

Salekhard City, Polar Cycle, West Siberia, Russian Federation


26–30 June 2007

19th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC ‘07)

Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China


July–december 2007

1–6 July 2007

International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers: 17th Annual International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2007)

Lisbon, Portugal


2–6 July 2007

Antarctica: Fifty Years on the Ice—Just the tip of the Iceberg

Wellington, New Zealand


2–13 July 2007

International Polar Year: International Sea-Ice Summer School

University Centre in Svalbard, Norway


2–13 July 2007

24th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics: Earth—Our Changing Planet (IUGG XXIV 2007)

Perugia, Italy


8 July–3 August 2007

Arctic Plant Ecology—Summer Field Course

Svalbard, Norway


9–17 July 2007

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Field Course on Mountain Hydrology (FCMH 1)

Olang, Brunico, Italy


19–27 July 2007

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Field Course on Mountain Hydrology (FCMH 2)

Olang, Brunico, Italy


23–27 July 2007

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2007 (IS25) (including three sessions in the Cryosphere division)

Barcelona, Spain


28 July–3 August 2007

XVII INQUA Congress 2007

Cairns, Australia


2–5 August 2007

IAG/AIG Regional Conference on Geomorphology: Geodiversity of Polar Landforms

Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen


13–17 August 2007

British Antarctic Survey Conference on Natural Complexity: Theory and Data in Dialogue (Complexity2007)

Cambridge, U.K.


20–24 August 2007

First International Circumpolar Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Applications

Yellowknife, Canada


26 August–1 September 2007

10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences: Antarctica—A Keystone in a Changing World (ISAES–2007)

University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.A.


27–30 August 2007

International Commission on Snow and Ice Hydrology: Glaciers in Watershed and Global Hydrology

Obergurgl, Austria


27 August–2 September 2007

Northern Research Basins Working Group: 16th NRB International Symposium and Workshop

Karelia, Russian Federation


29–31 August 2007

Geophysical Institute in Bergen and Norwegian Geophysical Society, 90th Anniversary: Open Science Conference on Polar Dynamics: Monitoring, Understanding, and Prediction

Bergen, Norway


September 2007

Seventh International Symposium on Permafrost Engineering

Chita, Russian Federation

Contact: Gazhit Tsybekmitova at inrec.sbras@mail.ru or Dmitry Shesternev at lok@mail.gin.su

3–5 September 2007

Geological Society of Norway: 5th International Conference on Arctic Margins—ICAM V (part of Arctic Conference Days 2007)

Tromsø, Norway

 http://www.geologi.no/cgi-bin/geologi/imaker?id = 8524/

3–7 September 2007

International Glaciological Society: International Symposium on Snow Science

Moscow, Russian Federation


3–7 September 2007

Geological Society of Norway: Arctic Conference Days 2007

Tromsø, Norway

 http://www.geologi.no/cgi-bin/geologi/imaker?id = 8519

6–7 September 2007

Geological Society of Norway: Second Conference on Arctic Geology, Resources and Environment—AGREE II (part of Arctic Conference Days 2007)

Tromsø, Norway

 http://www.geologi.no/cgi-bin/geologi/imaker?id = 8529/

10–14 September 2007

6th Argentine and 3rd Latin American Symposium on Antarctic Research

Buenos Aires, Argentina


11–13 September 2007

8th International Conference and Exhibition for Oil and Gas Resources: Development of the Russian Arctic and CIS Continental Shelf (RAO/CIS OFFSHORE 2007)

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


11–22 September 2007

Universiteit Utrecht: Summer School on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System

Karthaus, Italy


15–18 September 2007

International Polar Heritage Conference: Protection and Preservation of Scientific Bases in the Polar Regions

Barrow, Alaska, U.S.A.


15–19 September 2007

SEDIBUD Second Workshop: Working Group on Sediment Budgets in Cold Environments

Abisko, Sweden


25–27 September 2007

8th International Symposium on Cold Region Development (ISCORD 2007)

Tampere, Finland


1–4 October 2007

Wilton Park Conference: The Polar Regions—Challenges and Possibilities

Steyning, U.K.

 http://www.wiltonpark.org.uk/themes/regions/conference.aspx?confref = WP845

15–18 October 2007

International Polar Year: Arctic Energy Summit

Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A.


19–21 October 2007

8th International Student Conference on Northern Studies: Melting Boundaries—Carrying Out Effective Research in the Circumpolar World

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada


22–24 October 2007

Joined SCAR-CliC-IPCM Workshop on Recent High Latitude Climate Change

Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

Contact John Turner at jtu@bas.ac.uk

28–30 October 2007

Sustainable Northern Shelter in a World of Diminishing Resources

Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A.


11–18 November 2007

Census of Marine Life (CoML): All Program Meeting (including CAML)

Auckland, New Zealand


12–15 November 2007

Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland: International Symposium on Mitigative Measures against Snow Avalanches

Egilsstadir, Iceland


19–20 November 2007

International Geological Congress on the Southern Hemisphere (GEOSUR 2007)

Santiago, Chile


26–30 November 2007

United Nations/Argentina/European Space Agency Workshop on Sustainable Development in Mountain Areas of Andean Countries

Mendoza, Argentina


10–14 December 2007

American Geophysical Union: 2007 Fall Meeting

San Francisco, California, U.S.A.


13 December 2007

North Pole Environmental Observatory IPY 2007 Science Activities (held in conjunction with AGU)

San Francisco, California



26–30 May 2008

11th Interpraevent Congress

Dornbirn, Austria


9–13 June 2008

International Glaciological Society: International Symposium on Radioglaciology and its Applications

Madrid, Spain


29 June–3 July 2008

International Permafrost Association: 9th International Conference on Permafrost

University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A.


29 June–3 July 2008

6th International Conference on Contaminants in Freezing Ground (CFG6)

Durham, New Hampshire, U.S.A.


8–11 July 2008

Joint SCAR-IASC Open Science Conference

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


5–14 August 2008

33rd International Geological Congress (IGC33)

Olso, Norway


15–19 December 2008

American Geophysical Union: 2008 Fall Meeting

San Francisco, California, U.S.A.


"Calendar," Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 39(2), 343-345, (1 May 2007). https://doi.org/10.1657/1523-0430(2007)39[343:C]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 May 2007
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